My head feels like it's about to split into unequal halves. I've got more readings waiting for me to read them right now, upstairs. I just finished writing a really long e-mail reply that, in total, was 17K including the original message.
It's felt like a long day, and i'm tired.
I've got 2 weeks left before I go; 1 more week of work. Maybe I should think about figuring out what to pack. Yeah, maybe I'll think about that when I'm not trying to motor through those readings (and actually understand them, too).
I've only got 2 weeks left, and I'm a little scared. Don't know of what, exactly, just a general apprehension. This is entirely
knew new for me. Never taken a summer course, never travelled this far without my family, don't know how difficult it might be to contact family and friends from the Italian phones and Internet cafés. Blimey.
At any rate, those readings aren't going to go away and stop buggin me unless I go and actually read them. Probably then they'd still bug me anyway, but at least then I could say, "Go away! I've already read you!" And yes, by the time I finish reading what I'm supposed to read, I will be talking animatedly to inanimate objects. I really think that's the way to go...
Anyway, like I said. I go read now. You go comment now. ;)
[edit] Oh, and ps. I won't be here tomorrow or over the weekend (I'll be somewhere called Huntsville. With my geographical abilities, I have no idea where that is), in case any of you start wondering where I am... :) Talk to you all when I get back! [/edit]